This blog post serves as an
addendum to a previous post I published here on October 9, 2013, devoted to some
photographs I took of birds in Cuba during the March Break earlier that year.
Most of the species pictured were seen in and around the Cameleon resort in Jibicoa,
which is located on the north-coast of Cuba, about half-way between Varadero
airport and Havana. Last year was the first opportunity I had to capture images
of the Cuban birds up-close; I had purchased a 70-300 mm Nikon zoom lens for a
previous trip to Florida.
We were back at Jibicoa
again this past March; so I had a second run at capturing close-up shots of the
two-dozen or so species that call Jibicoa home. I would grab my camera and
tripod three or four times a day and patrol the likeliest areas around the
resort. The best times are early and late in the day, when the light is softer
and bathes the birds in an attractive warm glow. In the middle of the day, it's
usually too hot, and the light is much too harsh. I might be lucky to get
several different chances to photograph the same species, but the light is
always different - coming at a different angle and varied in its intensity.
If you are interested in
some of the details about birding in Cuba, check out my previous post. I won't
get into that detail again; I'll focus here mostly on the pictures themselves,
and provide a little information about the situations in which I captured the
It is worth repeating,
however, some of the technical requirements for shooting pictures like these. A
tripod is a must. Even in the best of light conditions, it is difficult to get
sharp images. Landscape shots are so much easier, because the land does not
move! The small birds - the perching birds (technically referred to as
passerines) - flit about constantly. You need to use a fast shutter speed in
order to overcome the movement - not only of the birds, but also the camera.
Anything less than about 1/250 of a second will be problematic. But if you
don't have optimum light conditions, then you need to shoot at a slower speed
in order allow more light into the camera. It's a quandary. The conditions
sometimes just don't allow for decent pictures. And because the small perching
birds are always moving on, you need to work very, very quickly. Lack of
sharpness can't be fixed, but problems with incorrect exposures, however, can be
quite quickly corrected with photographic software like Photoshop. Cropping the
composition, and adjusting the contrast, the colour, and the intensity of the
image is very easily done.
The Cameleon resort at Jibicoa
is located in lowland serpentine shrubwood (cuabal).
It is not a hot spot for birds. But it is a varied environment: planted with a
wide variety of mature trees and shrubs, and containing several different
edge-biomes - a beach on the northern edge, a stream on the eastern side, and a
fence that abuts on a woodlot to the west. Enough change of habitat to provide
an interesting mix of bird species.
Red-Legged Thrush |
Red-Legged Thrush (Turdus plumbeus)
This bird is found all over
the resort. It is a member of the Thrush family; and it resembles in size and
behaviour our American Robin. It will fly up and perch in trees to secure its
safety, but it is usually seen on the ground hopping about. It feeds amongst
the leaf litter; you see it often tossing up the litter with its bill. A very
attractive bird: it is easy to identify because of its prominent markings - its
red eyes and legs, its black bib, and the white moustache angling down from its
Red-Legged Thrush |
Cuban Pewee |
Cuban Pewee (Contopus caribaeus)
Its back is a dark, olivaceous
gray. It has a grayish-buff chest and
belly. The distinctive mark - which differentiates it from the other pewees in
Cuba - is the white crescent just behind the eye. The lower mandible of the
bill is yellowy in adults, but paler in juveniles. Its tail quivers up and down
when it first alights on a perch - much like the Phoebe. Seems to like perching
on fences, or on low trees.
Yellow-Faced Grassquit |
Yellow-Faced Grassquit
(Tiaris olivacea)
I got a picture of this bird
last year, but it was a female - with drabber, less prominent, markings. It
took me a while to figure out what it was. This specimen is a male; and it is much
easier to identify, with its conspicuous orangey-yellow eyebrow and throat patch.
It has a black patch on its breast, which gets larger as it ages. Only a small
number of this species can be found each day.
Northern Mockingbird |
Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
The mockingbird is found
abundantly all over the resort. It is one of the mimic thrushes - very vocal,
and often imitating the calls of other birds in its environment. It is usually
found perched in low trees, shrubs, or balanced on an overhead wire. Prominent
features: a large white wing patch (seen when it is in flight); white margins
at the tip of its tail; and a yellow eye.
West Indian Woodpecker |
West Indian Woodpecker (Melanerpes superciliaris)
A noisy bird that calls all
day. It is usually found perched on the trunks of trees - its favourite tree at
Jibicoa is the giant Royal Palm. It has gorgeous colours: the back and tail are
covered in black and white bars; the belly is reddish; the male has a red cap
and nape; the female has a red nape. When in flight, this woodpecker shows
prominent white patches on the outer part of the underwing. Very attractive.
West Indian Woodpecker |
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker |
Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)
This is a small woodpecker -
smaller than our Hairy Woodpecker; a bit bigger than the Downy Woodpecker. It
has black and white bars on the back. There are also black and white stripes on
the head. It has a red cap; and the male also features a red throat. Like the
West Indian Woodpecker, this species sports a prominent white wing patch that
is evident in flight. It seems to prefer palm trees close to the beach. Check
out the row of holes it has pierced into the tree. The sap exuded from inside
the tree quickly collects in the small holes. That's why it's a "sapsucker".
Palm Warbler |
Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum)
Most warblers like to perch
in trees - often very high in trees. This small warbler prefers to forage on
the ground for food. It has a prominent reddish-brown crown; and its chin and
throat are yellow. A distinguishing feature for this bird is its constantly
wagging tail.
Zenaida Dove (Zenaida aurita)
This dove is slightly smaller
than our familiar Mourning Dove; and its tail is shorter and stubbier. It is
cinnamon brown all over. The sides of its lower neck have an iridescent purple shade.
There are two black spots behind the cheek - similar to the Mourning Dove. It
is usually seen foraging for seeds, and such, on the ground. Like other doves,
you hear a distinctive "wing whir" as it flies off.
White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)
This species is the same
size as the Zenaida Dove. Its colour is similar to the Mourning Dove - without
the cinnamon brown hue of the Zenaida Dove. It has a prominent white wing patch
- very obvious in flight - which forms a white border along the edge of the
wing. It has a black crescent visible under the cheek - larger than the similar
mark on the Mourning Dove. It is more likely to be seen perched in trees, about
ten feet off the ground.
Turkey Vulture |
Turkey Vulture (Carthartes aura)
The Turkey vulture is very
abundant in Cuba. At our resort you can usually see three or four soaring high
above the ground throughout the day. Sometimes there might be two or three
kettles visible - perhaps thirty birds altogether. In the evening, individual birds will fly low over the
resort, just above the trees. Occasionally you will find a small group standing
together on the ground; or you might see one on top of a telephone or electricity
Smooth-Billed Ani |
Smooth-Billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)
I saw this species only once
at our resort; it is a shy bird and tends to perch in thickets or up 12-15 feet
off the ground. It is difficult to capture an image of this species in bright
sunlight that reveals any details; it is jet black, and from a distance, you
just get a sense of its overall shape and size. The short bill is deep and
compressed sideways. The Ani has a very long tail, which moves around so
loosely that it almost appears to have been tacked on to the rear of the body.
The Cattle Egret gets its
name from its propensity to hang out with grazing cattle - insects are one its
major sources of food. Unlike the other egrets and herons, the Cattle Egret
will often stand around on grassy areas in populated places (usually early and
late in the day); but they will not let you get too close. This is the smallest
egret in Cuba. This species' feathers are completely white; but it has a
orangey-yellow bill and yellowy-green legs. In breeding season, it has
distinctive buffy plumes on its upper head, at the base of its foreneck, and on
its back.
Snowy Egret |
Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)
This is a large and very
attractive egret. It is entirely white - like the Cattle Egret - but it has a black
bill and black legs. The distinguishing feature of this bird are the bright
yellow toes at the end of the dark black legs - often referred to as
"yellow slippers". These slippers are very prominent when it is in
flight. It is the most active of all herons and egrets when in search of food -
constantly stirring up sediment with its feet, and running and jumping to catch
its prey.
Little Blue Heron |
Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)
The immature Little Blue
Heron is almost completely white. That confused me last year, but I eventually
figured it out by noting the colour of the bill and feet - and checking the information
in my bird guide. The adult heron is slate-blue, but with a violaceous-brown head
and neck. Its bill is grayish-blue, with a black tip; and the legs are green.
It is not a very active feeder, and spends a lot of time standing very still -
which makes it easier to photograph then many other birds of its type!
Little Blue Heron ruffling its feathers |
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron hiding |
Yellow-Crowned Night
Heron (Nyctanassa violacea)
This was a brand new bird
for Barbara and me this year - another one to add to the Life List. It is very
similar to our Black-Crowned Night Heron - same size and similar colourations.
Unlike the colour of the Black-Crowned's head, however, (which gives it its
name), the Yellow-Crowned Night Heron's head is ... um ... yellow (actually, it
is more whitish-yellow). Also distinctive is the white cheek patch. The bill is
stouter than the Black-Crowned; and the legs are longer and yellower. When it
was disturbed, it liked to fly up and take refuge in the fronds of nearby palm
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron in late afternoon light |
Roseate Spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja)
Now a couple of birds seen
from quite a distance, and identified later by enlarging the screen image on
the back of the camera. This bird was quite easy to figure out, after I
enlarged the image. As I watched it fly by, quite high up, over the village of
Cojimar, I thought for a moment that it might be a flamingo, because of the
pink colouration - but it wasn't large enough, and the neck was not nearly long
enough. After checking in the guide book, and examining the bill - shorter and
slightly upturned, rather than longer and curving downward - I decided it was a
Roseate Spoonbill (and not an Ibis). A good example of how a digital camera can
help identify a bird, as well as capture its image.
Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Another species I identified
from the image caught by my camera was the Brown Pelican. This took a while
though. It came over the resort in a group of three, late in the afternoon. I
pondered the issue for quite a while. And went through my guide several times,
considering the possibilities. But I ended up confident of this identification
- especially after looking at other photos of the species I had captured on
previous holidays.
Brown Pelicans |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)
The occasion of witnessing
the last species here was very memorable. I was walking down the beach, just
west of the resort, when I saw an excited chocolate-brown dog running up and
down the beach - seemingly chasing something. When I got closer, I realized
that it was chasing a Spotted Sandpiper. The sandpiper would fly down a stretch
of the strand and then land and walk across the top of the old, exposed coral.
A short while later, the dog would locate its position and run up to grab it.
At the last moment, the sandpiper would take off and reverse its direction,
flying back about 25 metres, close to its original position. As the bird leapt
up from the coral, and took to flight, the dog would start yapping at it
excitedly, turn, and chase it down the beach - stopping occasionally, when it
lost the scent. This went on and on. I realized the dog was just playing with
the sandpiper - probably not much fun, though, for the bird. But lots of fun
for me to watch, however, and to attempt to get some good pictures of the bird
and the chase.
Chasing the Spotted Sandpiper |
© Clive W. Baugh
Do not copy or publish these
pictures without permission of the photographer.
Resources: Field Guide to
the Birds of Cuba by Orlando H. Garrido and Arturo Kirkconnell, illustrated
by Roman F. Company (2000); Peterson's Field Guide to Eastern Birds by
Roger Tory Peterson (1980)
The photographs are very good Clive.Well done mate.. Tony
ReplyDeleteWow!! What a location!! After saw your images, I am also thinking to visit there and recollect all beautiful memories from Cuba. Can you please tell me the schedule of suitable flights to cuba?